Julia Wheelock, Postpartum Doula and Breastfeeding Counselor

good things to know

Answering Questions


How do I know if a Postpartum Doula is right for me?

everyone is worthy of love and support

You are worthy of love and support through this often intense transition into motherhood. What makes you feel loved and supported is unique to you! This is something that I respect and why I intentionally hold space in each session for what needs YOU have in that given moment.

If you are unsure of whether or not hiring a postpartum doula is the right decision for you, I want to encourage you to book a free postpartum consultation! This is a no strings attached visit where we can get to know each other and you are encouraged to ask any questions you have about what this process would look like for you. No commitments necessary, and if by the end of that visit you don’t feel working together is right for you, no problem! I will still leave you with some resources and helpful tools to aim you towards a peaceful postpartum. You have nothing to lose!

What area do you serve?

Traverse City, Michigan and greater area

Each package is available within a 60 mile radius around Grand Traverse area. If you are outside of this range and are in need of support, please get in touch with me! Special circumstances can definitely be made but may require extended travel reimbursement. The best way to find out is to ask! Click the button below to send an inquiry and let’s make a plan together.

Do you have a refund policy?

100% money back satisfaction guarantee

All of my packages are offered to you with a two session, 100% money back, satisfaction guarantee. If, after working with me through two visits, you do not feel like my service is helping you to feel loved, confident, safe and supported, your money will be returned to you in full.


Will you work remotely?

Yes! the long distance package is here!

You can find details about what is included in the long distance package here!

Do you have other questions that weren’t addressed here?

I would love to answer them