A New Season

Motherhood has taught me so much about the seasonal nature of life. This post explains the current season I’m in and why I’m taking a break for a time from my role as a Postpartum Doula.

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Julia Wheelock
Do You Know Why is Rest Important Postpartum?

We hear a lot about resting and the importance of rest during postpartum, at least I’m constantly harping on about it! What I’ve learned from talking with women and hearing many different stories and experiences is that most women actually don’t know WHY it’s important to rest. Knowing the why is so important, education is power! So let’s talk about it.

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Mother Focused Registry

This post is challenging how we typically think about “Baby Shower Registries”, it’s challenging the mass marketing directed at mothers lying to them that in order to be successful at motherhood they need these 150 baby products, devices, outfits and a perfectly designed nursery. Yes, you need some diapers, some clothes, a car seat etc, but what your baby needs FAR and above anything else is for their mother to be WELL, whole, nurtured and deeply cared for.

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